Loyalty on the POS

  • The POS calculates the loyalty points and shows them in the totals section of the receipt.
  • Points can be used as discount or tender.
  • To accrue points on the POS, either swipe the loyalty card or use the Loyalty Request button on the POS and enter the loyalty number in the dialog.
  • To spend points as a discount, use the Loyalty Discount operation on the POS and either swipe or enter the loyalty card number
  • To spend points on the POS, use the Pay Loyalty operation on the POS and then swipe or enter the loyalty number.

To spend points you must either use the Pay Loyalty or Loyalty points discount operations on the POS. If a loyalty card has already been swiped into the POS that card will be displayed by default in the payment and discount dialog.


There are five loyalty operations available on the POS:

View loyalty point status for a customer's loyalty card(s) on the POS

It is possible to view all the loyalty transactions for a customer at the POS and there are two ways of doing this.

If the customer has already been added to the transaction:

  • Press a button with the Edit customer operation.
  • In the Edit customer information dialog press the green Loyalty dropdown button. Then you will see the point status for all the loyalty card this customer might have.

In the customer search:

  • Press the Customer search button
  • Search the customer you want to view the point status for
  • Select the customer and press the edit button

  • In the Edit customer information dialog press the green Loyalty dropdown button. Then you will see the point status for all the loyalty card this customer might have.


See also


Updated: October 2018
Version: LS One 2017.2